Women’s agenda
Inna Hayrapetyan: “We are all from Caucasus; our women know what an armed conflict is”
Our interlocutor Inna Hayrapetyan (our compatriot from Chechnya) was the first to receive the award named after Anahit Bayandur “Caucasian young women for the sake of peace” two […]
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Unprecedented assignment at the Ministry of Emergency Situations
In the history of the system of emergency situations a young woman was appointed a commander of fire and rascue squade according to the Minister’s order. This was […]
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Law must be applied otherwise it likes to be hidden in a drawer
Everybody in Croatia knows Sanya Sarnavka – the president of Human Rights House. She says: “I don’t want to be immodest, but I am considered to be one […]
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In order to defend human rights we need their faith and trust
Our interlocutor is the president of Human Rights House in Voronezh, Human Rights Young movement leader Anna Dobrovolskaya whom we met during the round table discussion on the […]
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Baya Pataria: “Women’s activeness is very often adopted by toothpicks”
We got acquainted with Baya Ptaria – representative of Human Rights House in Tbilisi – during a round table discussion on theme “ Women human rights defenders’ protection […]
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The more pressure you are put on, the more decisive you become
This year Armenia’s civil society was enriched with another law enforcement structure, another non-governmental organization founded by a woman. Due to her active work Marina has managed to […]
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Armenian Genocide and repeated pain of Armenian women
A Turkish journalist of Kurdish origin Muchgan Halis devoted his next article to the double victims of teh Armenian Genocide – women – cases of rape, forced Islamization […]
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(Հայերեն) «Կովկասի երիտասարդ կանայք հանուն խաղաղության» մրցանակակիրները ստացան իրենց պարգևները
The Second Regional Conference “Women in the Caucasus: Politics of Peace, War and Violence” of the Caucasus under the aegis: “Caucasus is Our Common Home” took place in […]
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