Women’s agenda
Very often it is a war for a woman – alone against the whole world
In order to get rid of “unwanted girls” people turn to extreme measures. Back to 60s of the last century it was a habit in one of the […]
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Photos of the first woman-pilot of Emirates blew up the social networks
Embassy of United Arab Emirates confirmed the information that the first female pilot in the history of the State gave airstrikes to positions of”Islamic state” in Syria, – […]
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It is intended to introduce the idea of “maternal benefit” and provide benefits also to unemployed mothers
At RA Government session of September 25 package of proposals to make changers and amendments in a Law “On State Benefits” and “Temporary unemployment benefit”. As Artem Asatryan […]
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Today the number of female astronauts will be replenished by one
Cosmonaut-researcher Yelena Serova starts from Baykonur to International Space Station on the eve of the Day of saints Vera, Nadejda, Lyubov and their mother Sofya. That is why […]
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We want to inform women subjected to violence that they are not alone
Coalition “Stop violence against women” even last year suggested announcing October 1st National day to combat against domestic violence. This year member-organizations of coalition are going to apply […]
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Leyla Yunus was severely beaten in Azerbaijani isolator
Today lawyers of an Azerbaijani human rights defender Leyla Yunus, who is in detention, visited her and found out that she was beaten by one of the prison […]
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The husband who has killed his wife with 21 knife strikes was not under affect
Today the advo9cate of Volodya Muradyan who has killed his wife with specific cruelty petitioned the court to reopen the trial and question the witnesses again, particularly two […]
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Armenian women in Beijing
On September 14-20 a regional conference on the theme “Women and Development” took place in Beijing and Women’s council delegation of Republican party was invited to participate in […]
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Emma Watson Calls for Men as Advocates for Gender Equality
Earlier this summer, fresh from college graduation, Emma Watson, was named a U.N. Women Goodwill Ambassador. Though the ripples of her involvement over the past few months can […]
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