Inclusive education begins from kindergarten
Inclusive education is supposed to be spoken in earlier ages, not in schhol, but in kindergarten. tried to identify how the ideas of inclusive education come […]
կարդալ ամբողջը »Views: 6787
Inclusive education is supposed to be spoken in earlier ages, not in schhol, but in kindergarten. tried to identify how the ideas of inclusive education come […]
կարդալ ամբողջը »Views: 6787
RA Prime-Minister Hovik Abrahamyan during last two Government sessions said that our country is ready to host Aleppo-Armenians and especially children. However these allegations made by […]
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Over the last year they started to speak about benefits of inclusive education more often. One of the most active organizations promoting this idea is Armenian office […]
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One of the researches represented within the frame of of a two-day conference entitled « Gender issues in the Contemporary Armenia: from research to politics» addresses to […]
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UN Special Rapporteur Maud de Boer-Bucicchio arrives in Yerevan. According to UNICEF Armenian office an official who is in Armenia within the frame of an official visit […]
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Girls and women kidnapped by terrorist group Boko Haram were subjected to sexual abuse for a long time; it is proven by the fact that 214 of […]
կարդալ ամբողջը »Views: 3685
These days by invitation of OSCE Yerevan office the delegation of European Association of Women’s resource Centers «WINNET Armenia» was in Armenia. The main purpose of the […]
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OSCE promotes collaboration amongst Women’s Resource Centres in Armenia In an effort to promote collaboration amongst women’s resource centres, the OSCE Office in Yerevan hosted a delegation from […]
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Women have a great role in the protection of human rights. This may seem paradoxical, since women form a vulnerable group in our country, their rights are […]
կարդալ ամբողջը »Views: 4192
Over the last 10 years for the first time in Armenia decrease in the sexual abuse against mibnors was observed which, according to experts, is conditioned by […]
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