Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokeperson is a woman
As ISNA agency announces, Iran’s Foreign Ministry new spokesperson is Marzieh Afxam. Full text in Armenian
կարդալ ամբողջը »Views: 4470
As ISNA agency announces, Iran’s Foreign Ministry new spokesperson is Marzieh Afxam. Full text in Armenian
կարդալ ամբողջը »Views: 4470
Corruption is so systemic in Zimbabwe, one of Africa’s poorest countries, that a local hospital charges mothers-to-be $5 every time they scream while giving birth. That’s according […]
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Venezuela named a female admiral who had been a close aide to Hugo Chavez as its first woman defense minister on Friday in a ceremony at the military museum […]
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Mohammad Yazdi, a clerical member of the Guardian Council, said the constitution ruled out the participation of women. Thirty women registered as candidates but there had been […]
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In honor of the First Lady’s “Let’s Move” campaign, and to encourage parents everywhere to get up and get moving with their kids, Jimmy Fallon and Michelle Obama […]
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For the first time in history 3 politicians are going to struggle for the position of mayor of Paris. The elections will take place in 2014. This was […]
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Grandmother Power: A Global Phenomenon is best-selling author/photographer Paola Gianturco’s fifth illustrated book about women around the world, all of which have won critical acclaim. Today’s grandmothers–younger, […]
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Forbes expert Laurence Shatkin made a raking chart of the best professions for women of 2013. According to that chart doctyor’s, dentist’s and terapist’s professiosn are considered to […]
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