Stop violence
Armenia legislature passes bill on domestic violence, in first reading
The National Assembly of Armenia on Friday passed—in the first reading—the bill on prevention of domestic violence, protection of the victims of domestic violence, and restoring of solidarity […]
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Every fourth respondent agrees with the claim that “In some cases a woman deserves being beaten” / video
According to the sociological survey conducted by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) on the “Men and Gender Equality Issue in Armenia”, conducted in 2016, the Armenian society […]
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“A woman must be silent”: research details
Armenia is on the threshold of adopting a law against domestic violence and no matter what changes and amendments it will eventually adopt, it is important that it […]
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“A problem to which we cannot close our eyes any longer”: blitz survey in the Parliament
During the Plenary Session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia surveyed the deputies before the discussion of the draft law “On Prevention of Domestic […]
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“We are also inclined to tolerate the family where violence is practiced” research
“As a society, we tend to maintain and tolerate a family where there is even violence” concluded the authors of a qualitative research carried out by the International […]
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“God willing that this law will never be used”: discussion at the Leading Committee
The bill on “Prevention of family violence, the protection of family violence victims and the restoration of solidarity in the family” has been endorsed by the Parliamentary Standing […]
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A new issue of the “Woman &Politics”: The Law on Preventing the Domestic violence
We have published a new issue of the “Woman &Politics” in Armenian and English on topic “The draft law on “Preventing violence in the family, protecting the victims of […]
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