Women in Syria are recruited to participate in sex-jihad
They say that a woman who has had sexual relationship with 250 mojahids she will go to the heaven after her death. This was announced by the groups […]
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They say that a woman who has had sexual relationship with 250 mojahids she will go to the heaven after her death. This was announced by the groups […]
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“In the Land of Blood and Honey” is Angelina Jolie’s directorial debut. The movie centers around a young Serbian man (played by Goran Kostic) and a Bosnian-Muslim woman […]
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A Brasilian journalist Nana Querioz has initiated the movement “I do not deserve to be raped” through which she confronts public opinion according to which “if a woman […]
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No matter how ridiculous may the phrase “defense of defenders” seem from the first sight, but it is a fact that very often people who defend others’ rights […]
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The Coalition against violence towards women announces details of the next court hearing on Hasmik Khachatryan’s case held on March 18 in Gavar. Her husband used to beat […]
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Some Western newspapers consider Christina Aguilera as pop-queen of modern feminism, but she does not like when they somehow label her. Although Christina does not think that her […]
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“It’s [our] family, it’s [our] home, yeah, I hit [her] once — on the cheek,” said Sargis Hakobyan, 33, accused of causing psychological and physical pain, and beating […]
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At the Court of First instance of Gavar Sargis Hakobyan’s jurisdiction for subjecting Hasmik Khachatryan to violence and torture. “Hetq” represents some details about the trial. […]
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Sargis Haskobyan who subjected his wife to torture and violence taught his son to damn his mother while talking on the phone. Hasmik told us that her children […]
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