Our goal is a family based on love
On October 1st Coalition “To Stop Violence against Women” will be implementing campaigns in different communities of Yerevan and on October 2nd in front of the Government building. […]
կարդալ ամբողջը »Views: 4557
On October 1st Coalition “To Stop Violence against Women” will be implementing campaigns in different communities of Yerevan and on October 2nd in front of the Government building. […]
կարդալ ամբողջը »Views: 4557
Coalition “Stop violence against women” even last year suggested announcing October 1st National day to combat against domestic violence. This year member-organizations of coalition are going to apply […]
կարդալ ամբողջը »Views: 4560
Today the advo9cate of Volodya Muradyan who has killed his wife with specific cruelty petitioned the court to reopen the trial and question the witnesses again, particularly two […]
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“My husband was beating and humiliating me for every small occasion for years. At the beginning he was beating me with hands, then with legs and then he […]
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“They burnt my body, my tounge, broke my nose and pierced my arm with fork…” we wrote about Mariam Gevorgyan’s case of domestic violence back in 2012. At […]
կարդալ ամբողջը »Views: 5364
Any incidence of domestic violence is shocking and exciting but Dianna Nahapetyan’s murder is particularly brutal. Her relatives want prosecution to accept this fact and make the charge […]
կարդալ ամբողջը »Views: 3475
We encourage girls to turn to police, court in case of being subjected to violence but when they see that police and court have such treatment towards them, […]
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During weekend in official facebook page of RA Police there were hot discussions on the tips referring “women’s security”. Many citizens do not like that tips, some of […]
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RA Police have issued tips for women to avoid sexual violence. There is a text entitled “Women’s security” posted in the Police website.
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“This war is inhuman in every sense – decapitation, mass executions and deportations. And now we get the news about mass rapes. Associate of Swedish fund “Kvinna till […]
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