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“You care for land only when you love it…”
Agricultural sector provides for the largest share of employment in Armenia, where employment constitutes around 34% of the total of employed population. 52% of those are women thus […]
կարդալ ամբողջը »Views: 2018
“We must create jobs from the scratch: that is what life dictates us”
-A hard-working and creative person can overcome challenges, especially when this person has a support, Anahit Veranyan says, the president of the “Mkhitar Gosh” agricultural cooperative operating in […]
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This year 22 women were awarded with “Female food hero” title
The 7th “Female food hero -2018” award ceremony was held under the slogan “The role of women in agribusiness is decisive”. The event traditionally took place on […]
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Anya Pogharian invents $500 dialysis machine with at-home potential
Seventeen-year-old Anya Pogharian’s high school science project could end up changing the way dialysis care is delivered. She developed a new prototype using simple technology. While machines currently […]
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UNESCO wants to bridge the gender gap in the digital space
Only 17% of biographies published on Wikipedia are about women. UNESCO aims to increase the visibility of women in the digital space by organizing a global call […]
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Only four of the Armenian ambassadors abroad are women
March 2 is marked as Day of Diplomacy in Armenia. The holiday is fixed by the law “On the Memorial Day of the Republic of Armenia” since 2012. […]
կարդալ ամբողջը »Views: 2821
A new model of kindergarten for a small rural community: UNICEF presents
Today UNICEF Armenia presented the cost-effective model of early childhood learning for small rural communities. The model was previously tested in eight small communities of Syunik region in […]
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