12th child was born in a fighter’s family
Yesterday at «Erebuni» medical center a 41-year-old woman gave birth to her 12th child. A newborn baby is the 5th daughter of Armenuhi and her fighter husband. […]
կարդալ ամբողջը »Views: 4522
Yesterday at «Erebuni» medical center a 41-year-old woman gave birth to her 12th child. A newborn baby is the 5th daughter of Armenuhi and her fighter husband. […]
կարդալ ամբողջը »Views: 4522
On May 21, 2013, a group of Armenian journalists had a meeting with Ralf Hakkert, Senior Advisor on Data and Research, Population and Development Branch Technical Division, UNFPA, […]
կարդալ ամբողջը »Views: 5894
A member of «Heritage» fraction Tevan Poghosyan reffered to demographic problems of Armenia. The following is the full text of the statement. Full text in Armenian […]
կարդալ ամբողջը »Views: 3785
Let’s remind that yesterday Law Draft about «Ensuring equal rights and equal opprtunities between men and women» was accepted and Zaruhi was the only women not to vot […]
կարդալ ամբողջը »Views: 8343
Today the Law Draft about «Ensuring equal rights and equal oportunities between men and women» was accepted. The law passed with 108 votes- for, 1 – against and […]
կարդալ ամբողջը »Views: 4913
Scientists` new research showed that marriage lasts longer and pairs are happier if the distribution of household work and child care is equal. 160 family pairs at the […]
կարդալ ամբողջը »Views: 4594
In 2011 an average age for marriage in case of men was 29.6, in case of women it was 25. 6. In 1991 it was 26 for men […]
կարդալ ամբողջը »Views: 6964
The International Day of Families is observed on the 15th of May every year. The Day was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1993 and reflects the importance […]
կարդալ ամբողջը »Views: 4125