1 million AMD in case of the fifth and next children
In 2014 lump-sum allowance for the third and fourth child will be 500 thousand AMD, and 1 million AMD – in case of the fifth and next children. […]
կարդալ ամբողջը »Views: 4407
In 2014 lump-sum allowance for the third and fourth child will be 500 thousand AMD, and 1 million AMD – in case of the fifth and next children. […]
կարդալ ամբողջը »Views: 4407
Watch Artak Aleksanyan’s “Resolution”, which is devoted to the discussion of RA Law “On ensuring equal rights and equal opportunities for women and men”. Full text […]
կարդալ ամբողջը »Views: 4788
On May 20, the National Assembly accepted Law on «Ensuring equal rights and equal opportunities for women and men» which had been in circulation for several years. […]
կարդալ ամբողջը »Views: 5086
Experts say it is illogical; moreover, legislative can become a victim of lies and manipulations… If the Government and the Parliament have decided to make amendments in the […]
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Today a press conference took place which was devoted to the amendments in the articles on «Crimes against sexual inviolability and sexual freedom». As we know, the relevant […]
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During the discussion held on September 11th by the initiative of “Partnership for the sake of open society” the President of the Association of women with university education […]
կարդալ ամբողջը »Views: 3822
One of the key topics of public discussion “Harassments against universal human values and lawyers in Armenia: Strategies to overcome them’’ was existing worrying situation over the Law […]
կարդալ ամբողջը »Views: 6102
Along with the development of various civil movements in Armenia many attacks on members of civil society initiatives, activists and public figures occur. Particularly, lawyers are subjected to […]
կարդալ ամբողջը »Views: 3710
On September 9, the first day of NA autumn session, draft law on “Making changes and amendments to the Criminal Code of RA” was proposed to discuss. […]
կարդալ ամբողջը »Views: 3245
Khachik Stamboltsyan’s draft law on traditional sexual relations represented to National Assembly has become a real joke among the legislators. Full text in Armenian
կարդալ ամբողջը »Views: 5150