Gender Gap Index-2016, inequality in Armenia was reduced by 67%
The World Economic Forum has published the 2016 Gender Gap global report (Global Gender Gap Report 2016), according to which Armenia is ranked among the 144 countries […]
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The girls spend 160 million hours more doing household chores than boys
5-14-year-old girl children or more than spend 160 million hours or by 40 percent more doing unpaid household chores and bringing firewood or water, than boys. This is […]
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“I’m 10. I’m the Face of the Future …”
UNFPA State of World Population 2016 Investing in 10-year-old girls could yield huge demographic dividend, boost national economies “She is 10 years old. Capable of rapidly absorbing […]
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«Recognition and valuing the role of rural women» – collection of stories
The stories compiled in this book represent women from Tavush and VayotsDzorMarzes, who are engaged in agricultural consumer cooperatives, which were established within the framework of Oxfam’s “Economic […]
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In Armenia almost a third of children are poor and have multiple overlapping vulnerability
On September 26th, the United Nations Children’s Fund and the National Statistical Service will present the results of the first analysis of vulnerability to multiple and overlapping. […]
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Women and power: new leadership model
Both Angela Merkel and Theresa May are often accused of being stiff and unemotional, but in reality, it is possible that we are dealing with such women […]
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Human Rights Watch: Excessive Police Force at Protest
Armenian police used excessive force against peaceful protesters on July 29, 2016 and assaulted journalists reporting on the demonstrations, Human Rights Watch said today. Police used stun grenades, which […]
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Slavery: when the main “heroes” are women
45.8 million people in the world live in conditions of slavery. Susanna is African-American. She was living and “working” in Sydney. She used to spend her […]
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