“There are problems that can be solved more quickly and effectively thanks to women.” City Council Member
Mary Datumyan, a newly elected member of the Ashtarak Council of Elders, struggling and initiating by her personality, has been actively involved in public and political life since she was a child. That activity gradually led her to the local government system. In 2021 she was nominated by the list of the “Civil Contract” party, and as a result of the elections held on December 5, she became a member of the Ashtarak enlarged community council.
She is an economist-financier by profession, has worked in that field for about 10 years, and says that the transition from that field to politics was not difficult, as she has always lived in struggle, participating in various movements and processes. During my school years I participated in the Karabakh movement, we were walking united, strong, with patriotic songs, waving flags. I was trying to create the revolutionary group I imagined at school, for which they often called my parents,” says Mary Datumyan. She assures that for the sake of the welfare of her community she is always ready to invest all her potential, or she says that before being elected she was engaged in solving the existing problems in the community. “As a local, I have always been familiar with the problems, thanks to my frequent meetings and contacts,” she says, adding that the position of the Council of Elders allows her make the voice of the people more audible, to solve the existing problems faster.
It should be noted that the newly elected Ashtarak Council of Elders consists of three factions: “Civil Contract”, ARF, “Homeland”. The representation of women in the Council of Elders is 26%, moreover, women are represented only in the CP, 7 out of 21 members of the faction are women. There are no women among the members of the other two factions.
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