Rebirth of winemaking traditions is also Innovation
They say the new one is well forgotten old and for Armenia having rich traditions of winemaking field, their renaissance is innovation. Especially as a woman is involved in the case. Winemaking in Armenia has traditionally been an exclusively male field, but our interlocutor director of Golden Grape ArmAs Wine and Brandy factory Victoria Aslanyan breaks the stereotype by their activity and popularity proving that the wine business respects not a woman or a man but an individual who is going to follow his dream and make it a reality.
- Aslanyan, why did you choose the wine sector?
My father was the first in 2007 and returned to the United States began large investment program. When in 2008 we came and saw what he miraculously managed to create over 180 hectares of desert in Aragatsotn region that was devoid of any infrastructure, irrigation water, electricity, roads, etc., we were inspired and decided to return to Armenia, be beside him and carry out the project. Already in 2009 I moved to Armenia, immediately went into action, in 2010 we started to build the factory … It is noteworthy that in the same period in 2007, in Armenia Areni cave was discovered the oldest factory in the world, which has 6100 years of history and we were confident this information must be used correctly, as in history that we had was only the biblical legend of Noah’s Ark, but we have evidence that the first winemakers and the farmers provided extraordinary quality, the same can be done today, even more.
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