Beijing+20: ՚Results of the campaign  summarises 

Information campaign “Women’s issues are not getting old”


The purpose of the campaign was to cover the international process /Armenia is part of it/.

At UN 4th World Summit held in Beijing in 1995 Governments of 189 countries, including Government of Armenia, committed to implement the idea of ensuring equal rights and equal opportunities for women and men. That idea was confirmed in Beijing Declaration and Beijing Platform for Action adopted at the summit which became a “roadmap” for ensuring gender equality for the whole world. The same approach was reflected in the slogan of “Beijing+20” process launched in June of this year: “Women’s empowerment is empowerment of entire human capacity. Remember that”.


During our campaign all the issues included in 12 Critical Areas of Beijing Platform for Action, clarifying “Beijing+20” process were represented:

  1. Women and Poverty
  2. Education and Training of Women
  3. Women and Health
  4. Violence against Women
  5. Women and Armed Conflict
  6. Women and the Economy
  7. Women in Power and Decision-making
  8. Institutional Mechanism for the Advancement of Women
  9. Human Rights of Women
  10. Women and the Media
  11. Women and the Environment
  12. The Girl-child

The campaign began from June 2014 and last until March 2015 when 59th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (2015) summarized the results of “Beijing+20” and shaped the future activities.


5 special issues of Newspaper Insert Woman and Politics” were released during the campaign, which you can find in archive of our website here in Armenian and English.


We express our gratitude to Global Fund for Women, United Nations Population Fund in Armenia, OSCE office in Yerevan and OXFAM office in Armenia for supporting the campaign.



We join with  “Beijing+20”   campaign’s slogan “Empowering women, empowering humanity: Picture It!”



Read materials telling about Beijin+20 processes on our website.



Beijing+20: ՚Results of the campaign

When you put the bar high, you reach it

The results of the 59th session of UN Commission on the status of women were discussed at Prime-Minister’s place

What was spoken and decided at the session of UN Commission on the status of women

Violence against women is expensive for the world

We are waiting for you, Madam General-Secretary

Geena Davis Warns 700 Years Needed To Reach Gender Parity In Media

Business implies equality

Women in Politics – 2015/ a new map was represented

“Every woman, every child” – they managed to save 2.4 million lives

The UN has declared an ambitious goal – to achieve gender equality by 2030

Lydia Alpizar: « We, women of the world, deserve much better than this»

Release women’s potential for the sake of the secure future for everyone

International Women’s Day March: “Planet 50-50 by 2030″

Facts and Figures: Ending Violence against Women

Every Woman, Every Right, Every Minute

Forum of non-governmental organizations in Geneva / photos/

Emma Watson Calls for Men as Advocates for Gender Equality

“Women can”. welcome to online exhibition-discussion

Security, human rights and women’s empowerment

Beijing+20: Women’s issues are not getting old” – Information campaign is launched

Gender inequality’s 2030 ‘expiration date’

UN Women unveils Beijing+20 campaign


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