“Taking into account my experience and moral ideals, I can choose who can lead me and who cannot.” Anna Mazmanyan

Deputy Minister of Environment Anna Mazmanyan has resigned. She made a remarkable post about it on her Facebook page, thanking the country’s leadership for the trust, the opportunity – the most important thing – to return their family to their homeland. The post is remarkable for describing the principles she used in her work…

She also thanked international organizations, embassies and all experts. She asked not to politicize her decision. “It’s not beautiful, there is no such thing. “I am one of those people who can and should serve her homeland, regardless of political contexts and positions, especially at this crucial time,” the former deputy minister wrote.

“But I also believe that given my status, my experience, my moral ideals, I can choose who can lead me and who cannot.

I know that my resignation will make many people happy, very happy… But in vain I managed to plant seeds that will sooner or later give their sprouts. It will not be the same as before.

I know that many will be very sad. Everything will be fine. I was able to show that the “official” can and should be different. To our staff, schoolchildren, international organizations, local government officials, I was able to show all of you that I am a manager who has been hired by taxpayers to protect the interests of the country.

… I have been successful for a long time, and I have long held the most important positions in my life, I have traveled around the world, I have made friends and connections in dozens of countries. I cannot be surprised or deceived by jewelry. I returned to my homeland to serve and I hope I will succeed…

I want you to know, remember that there are strong, professional, responsible people in the government, from whom I could always learn something, who do their job honestly, which is very difficult. They need support, help them rely on you…

To my team, and they are thousands of people, I want to say. You must continue to work as we have worked:
• Above all, there is always the interest of the state. If you do not know what decision to make, make it for the welfare of the state. Everything is very simple.
• Always answer all emails and calls. The phone rings, those nearby answer.
• Always work in a team like us. You are successful when you are together.
• Always apply the principle: all departments and employees must have complete information.
• Discipline, speed and accuracy in everything.
• Never allow yourself to be humiliated, raised or treated rudely. Nobody deserves it.
• This is the government of the Republic of Armenia, it is a privilege, a duty, keep that guideline and benchmark.
• Work on yourself, study, read, doubt your own opinion, but make voluntary decisions at the crucial moment.
• Any idea, position, thought can be expressed in different ways. Choose the most diplomatic means.
• Put an end to amateurism, in every way and in everything.
• I have always tried to be supportive of you, to support you in everything, I hope it worked out.
• Remember our dreams and projects. Everything will be fine, I’m sure…
• And finally, I am always by your side. But you already know that…

Thanks to my work in the ministry, I got to know our country very well. I used to know what to do, but now I know how.

“We will meet again, I think,” she wrote.

Full text in Armenian


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