Alina Ordian: “Today I have not only something to say but also something  to do”

Journalist Alina Ordian, nominated by We Alliance alliance, will compete by the “rating” system electoral district N13 in her native Tavush.


Alina Ordyan’s name is well-known in the field of journalism, and television viewers remember her especially from the H2 TV channel – she was covering the activities of the country’s first figures for many years. Afterwards, she was promoted to the Sputnik Armenia news agency and editor-in-chief of the radio and also conducted her own authoritative Sputnik Armenia- Weekly online video with Alina Ordian. Currently she is the chief editor of ArmeniaON website.


– Do you have a long-term experience of publishing, why did you decide to engage in politics? What is your main message?


– I must say that my decision to pursue politics is not entirely conditioned by the tiredness or disappointment of journalism. I love my profession and I consider myself a journalist. And I have always been offered to engage in politics and participate in the elections, almost in all parliamentary elections, but I have never said that I have to do or say anything in politics. I was able to reach my goal with the help of journalism.


However, today I do not think so, the processes that started in Armenia have convinced me that I not only have something to say, but also I have something to do in the parliament, as being only a journalist cannot make changes and reach  the final destination.

– They say that journalists are ready-made politicians ….


– I agree with that formulation. I have already had the opportunity to say, that who is better prepared to be in politics, if not journalists,  who becomes better political and public figures, if not  journalists …


 – What new word do you have to say as a female MP and what is the main mission of female MP ?


– I would not like to separate the female and male deputies, since in both cases one should be concerned about the country, take responsibility for every citizen’s vote, raise voter’s voice, and contribute to the formation of the legislative field. And the presence of women in the parliament is only positive, as the family is strong where there are wise and prudent women.

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