“Agriculture can be a very interesting and income generating business, especially for women”


I have succeeded, continue my success! – Inspirational speeches, discussion


I have succeeded, continue my success! Event was held on April 6, 2022, at Armenian National Agrarian University (ANAU) conference hall. The event was initiated by the Austrian Development Agency within the framework of the European Union funded Green Agriculture Initiative in Armenia (EU-GAIA). The initiative was implemented in the context of International Women’s Day aiming to follow the example of ANAU women graduates who have succeeded in the field of agriculture, to present the need for women specialists in the sector, and to sensitize ANAU students and lecturers on gender equality issues.


In her opening remarks H.E. Ms. Andrea Wiktorin, Ambassador, Head of the EU Delegation to Armenia stated: “Agriculture is one of the key areas of Armenia’s economy. The EU Green Agriculture Initiative in Armenia encourages more and more women to be more participatory along the whole line of the agricultural value-chain. In the context of male labour migration, women with high qualifications in the area of agriculture become the main guarantor of food supply and the survival of households in rural areas.”.

Ms. Nora Alanakyan, Deputy Head of Coordination Office for the Technical Cooperation of the Austrian Embassy, Yerevan mentioned that through its development projects, like EU-GAIA, Austria encourages more and more women to increase their participation in the sector. This is done by giving them access to green technologies, inputs, services and information, as well as strengthening their marketing capacities to sell at local and international markets. “We are proud to present outstanding champions today and show to the new tech-savvy generation of students, that agriculture can be a very interesting and income generating business, especially for women.”


“Armenia has a great resource at hand in the face of its educated, talented, smart, wise, strong women. UNDP pays special attention within its projects to women and their involvement in all spheres of political and economic life. We are working for more than a decade to advance political participation of women with strong focus on local level, support expansion of economic opportunities for them, as well as put women and girls and their needs at the center of the growing green recovery“, – mentioned UNDP Resident Representative Ms. Natia Natsvlishvili.


“It is the very time, that female graduates of the Agrarian University will have their say and this event is a very good opportunity to deliver the message among the current and potential stakeholders of the sector. Women entrepreneurs, working in agriculture and agribusiness sectors, have achieved remarkable success due to their exceptional, responsible, caring attitude towards the sector and their ability to overcome difficulties. The unique experience that has been accumulated during the years should be shared especially among the next generation of women entrepreneurs in the sector. I would like to thank you EU-funded Green Agriculture Initiative in Armenia project for the productive cooperation with Agrarian University, cooperation, that is symbolic in many aspects, including this opportunity to make the experience of women entrepreneurs, specialists in the agriculture field more acknowledged and recognized,” said Rector of the Armenian National Agrarian University Mr. Vardan Urutyan, who hosted the event.


The event was followed by inspirational talks of ANAU women graduates who have succeeded in various sectors of agriculture. They shared their personal stories highlighting the challenges that they faced on their path, as well as the key steps that helped them to be successful in their career.


The speakers were: Gohar Gharibyan, the founder of “WineGog” wine brand, Nune Sarukhanyan, the head of “Green Lane” NGO, agronomist Syuzanna Hovsepyan, agro-ecologist Lusine Nalbandyan, the co-founder, and managing director at “ORWACO” company and Arevik Abovyan, Dean, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, ANAU.

The speeches were followed by an interesting discussion, where the panelists answered the raised questions of young students.



About the European Union


The Member States of the European Union have decided to link together their know-how, resources and destinies. Together, they have built a zone of stability, democracy and sustainable development whilst maintaining cultural diversity, tolerance and individual freedoms. The European Union is committed to sharing its achievements and its values with countries and peoples beyond its borders.


About the EU-GAIA project

The EU’s Green Agriculture Initiative in Armenia (EU-GAIA) is funded by the European Union (€ 9,7 million) and co-funded by Austrian Development Cooperation (€ 2 million). The project is implemented by the Austrian Development Agency and the United Nations Development Programme in Armenia. The Government counterpart of the project is the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia. The EU-GAIA project supports the development of sustainable, inclusive, innovative and market-based agribusiness particularly in the northern Marzes of Armenia – Shirak, Lori and Tavush.

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