The role of the girl children is not perceived more than the importance of having children and being a good mother: research

From the earliest age, the gender role division is given to children, where girls have more restrictions, and the forms of upbringing are more stringent. It refers to dress preference, sitting style, talk style, homework, and more. Unlike the boys, they are more involved in household chores, cooking, cleaning the house, go to a shop, cater, coffee making, dishwashing, cake baking, dealing with small children and so on. The unequal, discriminatory attitude towards women is proved by  research “The invisible part of the day: gender stereotypes in everyday life “, conducted by AM Partners Consulting Company, in collaboration with World Vision Armenia’s” Caring for Equality “program.


The aim of the study is to change and prevent stereotypical attitudes and behaviors that hurt women and girls, promote the creation of an environment where girls and boys are born and valued equally.


Researchers also found that there is a noticeable difference in the child upbringing, conditioned by gender. For example, mother is mainly engaged in the upbringing of a girl, and she needs to do it in a way, so that the girl child can  justify the honor of the  family, especially men.


Unlike girls, the role of boys is more important. They are viewed as a family pillar, a heir, a clever person, of whom they should be proud.


The survey was conducted in Gegharkunik, Shirak, Aragatsotn and Syunik regions. That is to say, especially in those communities, where the birth rate of boys is higher than the birth rate of girls.


Sevan Petrosyan, the head of the program “Care for Equity”, tried to find out if gender-based violence is perceived in our society as a problem that needs to be solved or has become an ordinary part of everyday life.


According to Sevan Petrosyan, the results of the survey show that in our society, women are treated in an unequal, discriminatory manner in a number of spheres. Almost all participants in the survey found it difficult to answer the questions referring to decision-making issues. The latter clearly say who carries out this work, and who or how and by whom the decision to perform that job is difficult to answer. The latter clearly say who carries out this work, but how and by whom  the decision to perform that job is made they find it difficult to answer.



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