Thoughts, speeches from the march on March 8th 

Yesterday, a group of citizens had not organized and spontaneous march, and during it had the speeches on women’s rights. Here we present some excerpts from those speeches:


“We are not just born as women, we are born as Armenian women, of course if we are born. Here they do not want to have a girl, they want to have a boy, soldier, protector and guardian.


Generally, they want to have. After starting needs as a burden, as debt. a debt that we have not picked up, but we must give. The woman needs to have a boy,  should have a husband to take care of the family, keep the light bright, the stove –  hot. And it turns out that we are being prepared either to having a family, or to taking care of the family, or suffering in case if we do not have or have lost. Otherwise, we are barren, immoral… The ideal of the Armenian woman –  the Mother Armenia”.


“The liberated woman who is fighting for her sovereignty, is nothing more than a state nationalist, an iron rod tucked into the wheel of militaristic policies. This state does not need liberated women. They only pose a threat to the current regime. So the patriarchal system is trying to re-emphasize a woman’s obedience and recreate the image of  savor men”.



Full text in Armenian

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