In the first grades girls’ number is gradually decreasing


The number of girls enrolled in 1st grades of public schools of Armenia is the evidence of the distorted sex ratio of newly born babies. Thus, on the basis of the national statistical data, we found that in 2014-2015, first grade pupils in Yerevan made 47%. In Gegharquniq and Vayots Dzor girls are 44%, in Shirak and Lori – 45%, in Aragatsotn and Armavir – 46%. Among the 1st grade pupils the ratio of sexes is not distorted only in Tavush region – 49,6% and Syuniq and Kotayq – 48%.


Watch also a social video addressing this problem which was created within the frame of the program “Fight against the discrimination in sex selection”. The project is implemented by International Center for Human Development, Development Center of Armavir, Women’s Community Council in Martuni, and Save the Children organization with EU funding.


We have crossed a dangerous threshold


The research carried out by the UN Population Fund “Sex imbalance among newborns in Armenia” shows that is this vicious phenomenon continues


  • Armenia will lose almost 93000 potential future mothers by 2060
  • The annual number of unborn girls will reach 2000 by 2060
  • The country’s population will fall by an additional 80 000 people (this is the number of births for two years) and in other equal conditions will make approximately 2, 6 million


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