“One Woman”: A Song for UN Women/ video
From China to Costa Rica, from Mali to Malaysia, acclaimed singers and musicians, women and men, have come together to spread a message of unity and solidarity: We […]
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From China to Costa Rica, from Mali to Malaysia, acclaimed singers and musicians, women and men, have come together to spread a message of unity and solidarity: We […]
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International Women’s Day is celebrated in many countries around the world. It is a day when women are recognized for their achievements without regard to divisions, whether national, […]
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This year, in 2013, to the United Nations has decided on March 8 theme to be fight against violence against women. Statement on the Occasion of International Women’s […]
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Live longer: our women live almost seven years longer than men, 77.5 and 70.7 years respectively. Are being born less: because of prenatal sex selection, every year on average around 1400 girls are […]
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WomenNet.am talked to the Head of Census and Demography Department of RA National Statistical Service – Karine Kuyumjyan. With her help we will try to represent everything […]
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20th century was a century of demagogy, wars and information. However it can also be called «Century of women». At the beginning of the century women loudly […]
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20th century was a century of demagogy, wars and information. However it can also be called «Century of women». At the beginning of the century women loudly […]
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Since 2012, AYWA in the partnership with OXFAM, is organizing “Female Food Hero” award. The aim of the award is to encourage women involved in agricultural […]
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Training course “Sharing Best Practices for Inclusive Growth” with the best practices of non-formal education will take place from 4-12 March in Tsaghkadzor (“Saya” hotel, 17 Charents […]
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