It does not matter that she is not my mother. She brough me up…
I am not ashamed of being an orphanage kid. There is nothing more pleasant to have a loving mother, brothers, sisters… Full text in Armenian […]
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There is a family warmth
“Nagashyan Children’s Home helped two sisters to find an accommodation for five years. I got acquainted with them in the center. The sisters came there to express their […]
կարդալ ամբողջը »Views: 4970
Maternity, childhood, family health care
“Women’s Republican Council had a discussion on the eve of the day of Children’s Rights Protection. Full text in Armenian
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Let’s talk to adults about children
Today there are 40 laws and legal acts regulating the area of protecting children’s rights. But in many cases we have to note that we speak about a […]
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If you want to see a miracle, be that miracle yourself…
Everything began from the series of articles published in daily newspaper “Azg”. The articles were about three villages Chinari, Aygepar and Nerqin Karmiraxbyur. Full text in […]
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The hail destroyed everything. Almost no peach, appricote
The last hail damaged everything and now people are worried about it very much. Full text in Armenian
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Kitchen or politics: this question was not a topic of discussion in 1918
They were the first… In majority of European countries women had no election right. Full text in Armenian
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Varditer Gasparyan: «If people feel that you are just a little devoted person they will trust you for sure»
Of course I have a family and job, I am respected person and maybe many people envy me, but to tell the truth sometimes I envy those women […]
կարդալ ամբողջը »Views: 5287
Women community council of Akhurik is reelected
Last Sunday on May 26 community council elections took place in 4 places – Akhurik In Shirak Region, Nor Hajn and Nurnus in Kotayq and Vardanashen in Armavir. […]
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