UN Calls to End Violence Against Women in Armenia

16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Around the World: UN Calls to Step Up Efforts to End Violence Against Women in Armenia


On the occasion of the Global Campaign 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, the United Nations in Armenia calls to end violence against women and reaffirms its commitment to promoting women’s empowerment in Armenia. Violence against women remains a serious issue in Armenia. The Police of the Republic of Armenia reported that in the period of January-August 2014 there were 1,500 attacks against women.


We acknowledge the positive steps taken by the Government of Armenia to tackle violence against women and encourage authorities to continue the implementation of the outstanding commitments under the 2011-2015 Strategic Action Plan to Combat Gender-Based Violence. We also welcome the establishment of a specialized department at the Armenian Police that deals with detection and prevention of cases of domestic violence, as well as analysis and elimination of its causes. We also encourage the Government to step up efforts in establishing the legal framework to combat domestic violence, including the adoption of a separate law and amendment of other relevant legal acts in order to provide victims of domestic violence with necessary legal remedies.


The United Nations in Armenia commends the efforts of grass-roots organizations to prevent violence against women and to assist victims of domestic violence in Armenia.  Such initiatives have benefitted from support by the United Nations. We welcome and support the initiative of the Coalition to Stop Violence against Women to engage the Government in a dialogue on the revised Draft Law on Domestic Violence. We also acknowledge the vital role of the shelter run by the Women’s Support Center in protecting victims of domestic violence and urge to increase the number of such shelters to provide a timely and necessary response to those in need.  As a long-term strategy, it is also important to work with perpetrators of domestic violence to address the root causes of violence against women.


The United Nations stands ready to continue its support the Government of Armenia and civil society to take concrete steps to realize the rights of all women and girls, allowing them to live lives free of violence and to enhance the prevention and response system. Not a single case of violence against women should be left unnoticed. The United Nations is fully committed to support the Government of Armenia in meeting its international obligations that promote equal rights and opportunities for men and women, respect to and protection of women’s rights.   We all have a role to play in eliminating violence against women. We call on all stakeholders, including the Government, the international community and the civil society, the media and the public to join their efforts to put an end to domestic violence and to uphold a ‘zero tolerance’ policy against violence against women


Source: UN office in Armenia



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