122 essays about daughters – so touching and emotional


Today the results of the essay contest of for fathers “My daughter” jointly announced by UN Population Fund Armenian Office and “Mediamax” were summarized. The event took place the UN Office after the official press conference dedicated to the launch of the 16-day campaign against gender-based violence.


By the way, the winners came with their little princesses. Garik Hayrapetyan said that when they were announcing about the competition they were not expecting that it would receive such an overwhelming response, because they understood that essays should be written by fathers and they not always tend to express their feelings, and to write about it. However, those fears dissipated when they received 122 essays – very touching and emotional.


«I must confess that after reading some essays I could hardly hold back my tears appearing in the whirlpool of warmth and love. I am proud of our fathers who have these daughters, who expressed their feelings with such love. I am sure that these girls will grow up and they are going to be people who are of great benefit to our society. They will grow up in this love and respect», – said Garik Hayrapetyan.


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