Fridtjof Nansen – The conscience of the world /film/
Today is the birthday of the Norwegian explorer, scientist, diplomat and humanist Fridtjof Nansen. He was the first to selflessly help hundreds of of thousands of survivors of the Genocide of Armenians who were forcibly displaced from their homes and driven into Syria’s Deir Ez-Zor desert, Rakka, Ras-ul-it, Meskene and other camps of other settlements. At least 320 thousands Armenians survived thanks to a great humanist Nansen, who gave the part of the greatest love given him by the God to Armenians. He managed to keep alive the hope and faith for the future in the souls of desperate people. Due to him, Armenian refugees received identity certificate which later became known as “Nansen passport”.
As a High Commissioner for Refigees of newly formed National League, Nansen was concerned about the issue of giving legal status to a great number of Armenian chronicles.
Nansen passport was a temporary certificate given to refugees and stateless people after the World War I. Instead of emblem a stamp with Nansen’s portrait was affirmed with the note “The League of Nations”. It was given in two languages – in French and in the language of the certain country. Owners of this passport had the right to live and freely move in the countries participating in the conference, and current restrictions against stateless people ceased to function. It was possible to get the passport by 5 frank, and the income was used for needy refugees. So 320 thousands Armenians got Nansen passport.
For his humanitarian operation Nansen was awarded Noble Prize in 1922.
In 2009 Nansen Foundation starred a movie “The conscience of the world”.
P.S. extends its gratitude to the staff of the library of RA NAS Genocide Museum Institute for providing materials about Fridtjof Nansen.
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