The fourth generation of refugees: photo exhibition having history of a century
On the occasion of the WorldRefugeeDay Save the Children in partnership with the British Embassy in Armenia organized a photo exhibition on the projects implemented for refugees.
A photo exhibition dedicated to World Refugee Day was opened in SarkisMuradyan Gallery. Photos telling about Armenians immigrated to Syria from Turkey in 1915 were provided by British Embassy in RA and ArmCon Armenian Center operating in London. Alongside century –old photos there were new ones with stories of children emigrated from Syria who were supported by Armenian Office of the organization “Save the Children”.
“Save the children” was established in 1919 and implemented one of its first programs in Syria providing support to children emigrated from Ottoman Turkey. And now, unfortunately, we host the fourth generation of these refugees. Here are collections of photos from British archives as well as photos telling about programs implemented by our office”, – said director of Armenian representation of “Save the Children” ArsenStepanyan.
Speaking about the organization established by two British sisters, British Ambassador Catherine Leach mentioned:
“Thanks to them we managed to save the lives of hundreds of thousands children including many Armenian children in Syria and Soviet Union.
“Save the Children” Armenian office has 23-year-history. Since 2004, they have implemented different programs supporting families of displaced people.
Photos by Save the Children
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