Local Elections: 2 of the 17 candidates for community leader are women
The next elections of local authorities are scheduled for June 18th, in 10 communities of Ararat, Armavir, Gegharkunik, Lori, Kotayk and Shirak regions. 8 of them are choosing the head of the community, 2 – members of the City Council.
May 24th marks the deadline for registration of candidates for the local elections. Only two out of 17 candidates registered for the post are women.
One of the women is nonpartisan Armenuhi Melikyan. She is one of three candidates running for mayor of the village of Kotayk region, a self-nominated. Her opponent in the Republican Mayor Artur Muradyan, who was nominated by the party, and Municipal Secretary Sevak Gabrielyan, who has withdrawn documents. The campaign will be launched between Proshyan Republican mayor and non-party woman.
The next female candidate runs in Bayandur village. It can be assumed that her nomination may be a mere formality in order to fulfill the requirement of the law to be nominated by two candidates. Ani Grigorian is self-niminated, work as a computer operator at municipality. His only challenger is Republican mayor.
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