The majority of women winning Local self-government elections are non-party 


Although many political parties are often in politics make statements on women’s participation in decision-making, about the importance, their role, but statistics on party affiliation and nominations of women participating in local elections states other things. It is noteworthy that this year’s nominations any opposition political force was not highlighted with the abundance of local elections The leader in Women nominations was the ruling Republican Party nomination.


However, most of the women nominated in local elections on September 18th and October 2d were non-party and self-nominated candidates.

Thus, according to the data provided by the CEC to, September 18th , out of 10 women, nominated for the head of the community 6 candidates were independent, non party,  three of them were from “Republican” party, one  – from the “Alliance” party. Two elected women were Republican. Note that the re-elected community leaders were Anahit Davtyan and Susanna Gevorgyan in Artamet and Arevshat communities of Armavir region, They were nominated by the party itself. The third Republican candidate was self-nominated.


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