Women for Tbilisi Relief

The Women’s Fund in Georgia is launching an urgent fundraising campaign under the name “Women for Tbilisi Relief”. This campaign aims to mobilize resources to meet urgent needs and to maximize the efficiency of initiatives working to recover from the deadly flooding in Tbilisi, Georgia. On 13 and 14 June 2015, a devastating flood in the heart of Georgia’s capital claimed the lives of at least 19 people, leaving dozens of families without housing, and killing most of the animals in Tbilisi Zoo and the city dog shelter, leaving the rest loose in the city without food or homes. A lack of appropriate city-planning, the neglect of environmental concerns and limited awareness of ecological issues, as well as a lack of preparation from the state itself – all of these issues contributed to this terrible catastrophe.


With the funds that they raise from this campaign, the Women’s Fund in Georgia will provide small grants to support women’s initiatives that can put in place long-term, effective mechanisms to help the post-flooding processes of rehabilitation. These include the provision of psycho-social, health and legal support for the survivors, appropriate living conditions for the victims of the flooding, ecological initiatives, and support for the surviving animals.


Any contribution to this cause is vital, and those working to minimize the long-term damage of the flood to the lives of people and animals will be grateful for any support that you are able to give. To make a donation, please use the following link


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