Control Chamber. “Improving services provided to women victims of domestic violence” project implemented incomplete


Recently the RA Control Chamber presented the 2015 report which revealed numerous violations and abuses in a number of areas. In particular, referring to the social sector abuses in the context of the implementation of some grant programs are included in the Annual Report, and one of them, is “Improvement of services provided to women victims of domestic violence” grant program, which was implemented during 12 months in 2012-2013.


It is noted that the program was conducted by the “National Institute of Labour and Social Studies which received 24311 USD by the Agency for International Development.


Expected project results are:


  • inventoried services provided to women victims of domestic violence,
  • a package of proposals designed to improve the protection and empowerment of women and the services provided to victims of domestic violence,


A number of irregularities and shortcomings have been observed.


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