Black day for women’s rights: Independent

Saudi Arabia Restrictions on the rights of women, ignorance, contempt for their famous elected to UN Committee on the protection of women’s rights. This news is very critical reaction in human rights and international press.


The Independent newspaper reported that Arab country has become one of the 45 countries of the PACE, which aims to promote women’s rights and opportunities for expansion, development of global standards for achieving gender parity.


Note that Saudi Arabia often appears in the pages of the international media publications related to the prohibitions on women’s rights. For example, women have no right to participate in elections in that country; there can be no talk about doing politics. In Saudi Arabia without her husband or a relative a woman is forbidden to drive, also cannot use public transport or to get in touch with a foreign man. A woman can not choose her husband; instead it does her father, brother or other male relative.


Here women wear black Abai, and leave only the eyes can open in some parts of the country. Without the permission of a male relative or husband women cannot learn, work, the right to travel abroad. By law, a woman inherits two times less than a man. It is not possible to continue this series of prohibitions.


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