Sofia Hovsepyan:”Women can change the image of the MP” 

Sofia Hovsepyan was like a “charge” for the public and electric shock for the authorities during ElectricYerevan movement decided to understand from inside why they have not made the right decisions in our country. Young candidate nominated by ELQ Alliance at No. 11 precinct including Shirak marz as extensive experience in civil strife from Trchkan waterfall to ElectricYerevan.


“My initiatives will have a starting point, to be democratic.”


Recently the Sofia Hovsepyan was actively engaged in supporting initiatives especially in border communities and military personnel. She visited and got acquainted with all the problems that are often left out of public debate and government attention.


“There came a moment when I just realized this problem is impossible to solve through conflicts, demands, occasionally through reporting them. For solution for each issue, the team had to knock on many doors, make enormous efforts, and deliver resources and time, sometimes overcoming very obscure, illogical obstacles. There were also cases when the solutions were so late that there was no longer need for them. In particular, it is about the military who acquired disabilities, who often had to fight for life and death”, – says S. Hovsepyan.


When the “ELQ” alliance offered to act as contemplated, the young woman candidate, she then accepted the offer because clearly understood, that time to fight against the consequences of decisions made by others already passed and it is high time to prevent problems. “I do not promise that I will move mountains, but I promise my initiatives will have a starting point, to be democratic. Today, communication is severed between the public and decision makers. At least on my part, I promise to restore this relationship”, – said the candidate.


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