Silva Mesropyan “We help women go after their own dreams”


Silva Mesropyan, executive director and board member of the Armenian Institute of Management Consulting (IMC Armenia), not only knows everything about the business but also knows how to help women follow their own dream and realize their potential. That’s why for this purpose, a new association will be created by her and her partner – InWEnt Innovative Women’s Entrepreneurship in Armenia.


In conversation with WomenNet, Silva said that as a business consultant she supports entrepreneurship not only in Armenia, but also in a number of foreign countries. According to her, consultation is provided both for the establishment of new enterprises and for the expansion of businesses at different stages of development. In their programs, a great deal of human resources empowerment is created through the development of entrepreneurial skills among beginner and current entrepreneurs. She says that for many years in the various projects aimed at the development of entrepreneurship, women have always been distinguished by their high level of management and organization.


“Women are very responsible in business and have a much more strategic approach to business ideas, but they need motivation, inspiration and capacity building, especially in regions and bordering areas. However, they often face obstacles that deprive them of their dreams. Although I would like to note that the attitude of the environment used to be more intolerant towards female entrepreneurs and there is a positive tendency for change, since experience shows that it is easier for women to work and collaborate with their great potential, “says Silva.


During her career, Silva focused on women especially in rural areas. She says in border areas, in provinces she has often met women who are deprived of the possibility of turning their dream into an existing business for various reasons. And it is here that a number of international programs are being funded to help women’s entrepreneurship, innovative ideas, and thus community development. Her own mission, Silva, sees not only as a connecting link and guiding those  who follow their dreams, but also  the most important thing to convince them: “You can.”


You know, very often, women, being overwhelmed with family problems, do not see them as entrepreneurs. Our job with beginners is to guide their dreams, abilities, skills, professional knowledge into real business. At present, thanks to such support and advice many women have changed their lives and created a community business to implement their innovative ideas, “says our interlocutor.


But it’s not just the start that links Silva Meropian with the participants. In the future, she stays in touch and always supports them. Among the successful business projects are sewing shops and semi-finished products produced in Gyumri, wool processing and baby shoes workshop in Amasia, development of a number of guest houses in Lori, packaging of herbal teas in Berd and packaging in Eco bags, candy production in Meghri and so on.


“Innovative ideas are many in our country, and women are very strong and proactive, they should only be encouraged to become more motivated and gain new capacities. Finally, the fact that more than half of those with higher education in Armenia are women and there is a serious potential behind it, so not using it  is just a crime,” she said.


From here origins Silva Mesropyan’s and her colleague Naira Margaryan’s new initiative, the InWEnt Association of Innovative Women in Armenia, which aims to unite and strengthen the start-up and functioning innovative entrepreneurs to develop the sector together. “The women’s resource is a really serious weapon, which can be achieved in all areas, beginning from small business and ending with the country’s economy. We are not going to ignore it, “added our interlocutor.


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