“Generation with Infinite Opportunities”. The world is uniting around a new initiative

Leaders of the world are united in the new generation “Generation with Infinite Opportunities,” which aims at up to 2030. to prepare every young person to enter the labor market and to provide him with a quality education opportunity. Details are provided by the UNICEF Armenia office.


The start of the initiative took place yesterday, at the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly. The “Generation with Infinite Opportunities” initiative is a response to the global educational crisis that currently hampers millions of young people, threatening progress and stability.


“The world’s demographic change, coupled with the technological development pace, has made a very important moment in history. If we act quickly and thoughtfully, we can have a generation of young people who will be ready for a stable economy and create a peaceful and prosperous society. Young people make up almost 25 percent of the world’s population, but they’re all 100 percent of our future. We cannot allow them to fail, “UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Faure said.


“Today we have the biggest generation of youth in history, a powerful force for change. 84 percent of the Milenius are convinced that they are obliged to make the world better and many are already working in that direction. Thanks to this initiative, we aim to ensure that no young person can and will be able to create a brilliant future for him and his future generations, “said Unilever’s Executive Director Paul Polman.


“I have personally been convinced that listening to and learning from young people is the best way to answer challenges facing young people and find creative solutions. When you give young people the opportunity to speak and act, they offer many innovative and creative ideas. I am inspired by this generation and I have to do everything that can help young people have a better future, “said UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Lili Sinh.


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