Sex-selective abortion ban bill was debated in the National Assembly


This week’s special session of the National Assembly in the first reading adopted the legislative package, the main objective of which is the fight against sex-selective abortions. It is noteworthy that the bill addresses issues were raised exclusively by female deputies Margarit Yesayan, Heghine Bisharyan, Ruzan Muradyan, the NA Vice President also participated with some remarks…While passivity of male members in this matter is not so clear. In fact, the discussed issue concerns not only women; it is a manifestation of inequality between women and men in society as well as contains serious demographic dangers.

The Minister of the Healthcare Armen Muradyan introduced legislative changes saying that the initiative is conditioned by the necessity to correct deviations from the normal newborn sex ratio, prevent unjustified abortions, as well as the need to clarify the responsibility of health professionals in the field.

It should be noted that the sex ratio at birth due to the interruption of pregnancy is significantly skewed.  According to the draft justification, as of 2011 it amounted to 114 male births per 100 female births. By this indicator Armenia is among the countries with worst sex-specific abortion rates (China, India, Azerbaijan, and Albania).


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