Contest for stories related to women’s issues in Armenia



The Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR) is launching a radio and video reporting contest for stories related to women’s issues in Armenia.


The aim of the contest is to promote active media coverage of women’s issues in Armenia, in order to encourage democratic accountability and sensitive and informed reporting on key concerns facing women.




Radio, TV and online media journalists as well as freelance reporters are eligible to submit audio and video pieces for the contest.


The materials submitted must have been broadcast between January 1 and August 31, 2012, and cover issues relating to health, unemployment, education, engagement of women in governance, and other social and economic topics of concern to women living in remote areas of Armenia.


Radio and video pieces should be no more than four minutes in length.


Submissions will be judged according to the criteria below:


–          Balance and fairness.

–          Thoroughness of reporting: new information, factual detail, illustrative examples, diversity of sources.

–          Reporting techniques: engaging the audience, emotional impact, structure, creativity and style.


The deadline for submission of materials is 5 pm on August 31, 2012.

The panel of judges will award certificates and cash prizes, as follows:


First prize (radio):                   85,000 AMD

Second place (radio):              55,000 AMD

Third place (radio):                 45,000 AMD


First prize (video):                   85,000 AMD

Second place (video):             55,000 AMD

Third place (video):                 45,000 AMD


IWPR Armenia’s partners will award additional prizes for the best radio/video reports covering specific thematic subjects: will award a special prize for the best radio or video report covering women’s engagement in politics.


The Women’s Resource Centre will award a special prize for the best radio/video report covering public involvement or civil initiatives by young women and girls in community action, education or other areas of civic activism.


The United Nations Population Fund’s Armenia Country Office will award a special prize for  the best report on issues related to young women’s access to reproductive health services.


IWPR reserves the right to republish winners’ reports on and other resources. Republished materials may be edited to meet IWPR’s editorial standards.



IWPR strengthens local media at the frontlines of conflict and change, working in two dozen countries and territories around the world. This includes establishing independent local media; training local reporters, editors and producers; supporting extensive in-depth reporting on human rights, good governance and related issues; disseminating professional reporting in developing countries and internationally; and strengthening communications capacity of local human rights, international justice and women’s organisations.


In Armenia, IWPR raises public awareness and helps build significant dialogues by strengthening local media skills and capacities.



IWPR Armenia’s partner organisations for this contest:

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