The woman candidate in Proshyan has been defeated
A non-party candidate, Armenuhi Melikyan, struggling for the post of village mayor Proshyan community in Kotayk region was defeated. The preliminary results of yesterday’s voting were published on the official website of the Central Electoral Commission. According to them, 218 voters voted for Armenuhi Melikyan. The incumbent mayor, Artur Muradyan, has received 1,172 votes.
Another female candidate, self-nominated non-partisan teacher Vahanush Melikyan, who fought for being included in the Council of Elders in the Azat Community of Gegharkunik, received the most votes from her five opponents. She is a teacher at the village secondary school. By the way, three out of the five members of the current elders of village are women. There will be only one woman in the newly formed Council of Elders.
It should be reminded that on June 18th local self-government elections were held in 10 communities in Aragatsotn, Ararat, Armavir, Gegharkunik, Kotayk and Shirak regions. In 9 out of the mentioned communities, community head elections will be held and community member elections – in one community.
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