Keep places of the selected women for women


It is suggested to ensure women’s political participation by law.


MP of RA National Assembly Edmon Maruqyan issued a press release on his proposal of making amendments in the RA Electoral Code. It is about ending the practice of conceding women candidates’ mandates to men.


In other words, more than half of women candidates concede their mandates to men through a recusal application, thus women’s participation in political processes of legislative power becomes formal phenomenon with symbolic nature.


In Armenia’s political system it has become a tradition to recruit female candidates in the party list and then when the party passes to the Parliament, women submit applications of withdrawal and pass their mandates to male deputies.


So, this draft aims to ban this practice with the force of law. In other words, proportion of men and women will remain as in the preliminary list of the party. By adoption of this project it will be possible to keep places of the selected women candidates for women”, – says Edmon Marukyan.


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