Educated girls – how their life is arranged 



The parents are sparing no effort and money for education of their children, including girls but these same parents are often an obstacle to the future career. Many young people prefer to have an educated woman, but not always welcome the aspirations of women in their work. Many young men want only to have educated wives for example just to be literate, deal with children, help doing school assignments and that’s all. But what about career…


“Women’s education is valuable, career – no?” Studies show


Director of the Center for Gender Studies and leadership, co-founder of the Women’s Resource Center Gohar Shahnazaryan says the study done about two years ago, “Gender Barometer”, explored all the different areas of the society’s gender roles. Shahnazaryan says that there was a question in this study, the importance of education for girls, and the results are surprising, almost 80% said that is important.


“In other words, they believe that an educated woman is value in our society, but when we get to the next question, but how important career is, to the number decreases twice. Only about 40% gives importance to career.


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