“No one shall be subjected to violence in the family or, moreover,  killed by a family member 

At the end of the passing year NGOs which deal with the protection of women’s rights have warned that in 2016 10 cases of murdering wives were registered in Armenia. Since in 2015 according to the Investigation Committee’s data 23 cases of murder and causing grievous bodily harm committed by a family member were registered, of which 16 were killed. This makes a total of 17 percent of the killings.


“Each case of murdering wives should be thoroughly investigated, in order to  comprehensively identify all the gaps and the reasons, cases of government’s inaction or arbitrary decisions that have led to such a tragic end”,-  said Against Zaruhi Hovhannisyan -Coordinator of the Coalition to Stop Violence against Women today during  the discussion on “The protection of women’s rights and prospects for the adoption of the law on prevention of domestic violence in Armenia” held at the Media center.


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