No healthy society justifies violence
“Coalition to stop violence against women” has made a statement about an incident occurred in Yerevan during which some LGBT activists were beaten. The statement particularly mentions:
On February 15th some unknown people have beaten LGBT activists at the same time saying insults degrading their dignity. Later, one of the victims applied to the hospital number 1in order to get medical support finding discriminatory treatment there.
We, representatives of the undersigned organizations,
– Strongly condemn any act of violence based on discrimination,
– Believe that such phenomena strengthen and stereotypes available in our society and sound hate speech
– Call law enforcement bodies to rapidly take measures in accordance with their duties and manifest proper professional attitude especially towards the victims of discrimination,
– Call the healthcare system to take appropriate measures in accordance with their duties and manifest proper professional attitude towards the victims of discrimination.
No healthy society justifies violence.
The statement is signed by 7 NGOs – members of the Coalition
Women’s Resource Center
Society without violence
Women’s rights center
Women’s support center
Public information and need of knowledge NGO
Sexual assault crisis center
Real world, Real people NGO.
Full text in Armenian
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