Swiss Red Cross to resume its work on programs aimed at the elderly 



The Swiss Red Cross, known for his extensive humanitarian mission, returns to a number of new programs. This news marked the anniversary event at the Congress Hotel, a reception marking the 150th anniversary of the structure. In an interview with the Swiss Red Cross representative in Armenia Ms. Sargizova noted that the organization supports the countries that find was provided to the Red Cross Armenia with which many programs are implemented.


– This year, the Swiss Red Cross decided to resume the implementation of “Active and healthy aging” program in its activities. Over the next 4 years, in Shirak and Lori regions elderly home care centers should be established for those who need professional care. It is planned for home care program to include not less than 200 beneficiaries who will be provided professional support by the nurses. It is also planned to create groups of active aging for the elderly who are alone. By the way, we also use volunteers’ potential. For the implementation of project relevant agencies, such as municipalities have expressed their willingness to provide spaces, Ms. Sargizova said.


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