Shakira will sing Imagine by John Lennon at the opening of the UN summit, dedicating a song to the refugees

Singer Shakira is of Colombian origin, which is already more than 10 years, is a goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF, will perform at the opening of the UN summit on global development to the hit John Lennon’s Imagine. The song she intends to dedicate to the Syrian refugees and the children of the world.


The singer’s performance in the General Assembly hall will be held on September 25, right after to the representatives of the countries of the world for the first time in 20 years the Pope will address. «I’d like to sing Imagine. I know that he (Pope Francis) protects the poor, which is one of his promises. We all know that violence is a consequence of inequality, and inequality is a consequence of the absence of opportunities» — said Shakira at a press conference in UN on 22 September.


She admitted that she was deeply touched by the story of Alan Kurdi — three-year refugee from Syria, whose body was thrown on the coast of Turkey. According to Shakira, every time she remembers Alan Kurdi, whose family tried to escape to Canada via Europe, she remembers the lyrics of John Lennon — «imagine that people live in a common world». «Why can’t we live together in peace? What prevents us to do?», — asked the singer.


«Refugees deserve to have a home. I know there is racism. Every country is concerned about its economy, but I hope that soon we will live in a world in which the needs of the people and their rights will be valued higher than the flags and borders, figures, selfishness and racism,» said Shakira, noting that «children should not have to pay for the war».



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