Nune Avagyan: „Let’s build out future hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder”
This is the motto which is steep part from the council memberof municipal elections in Gomk “Vankadzor” agricultural cooperative Nune Avagyan, the residents of the community are saying warmly, “Our Nune.”
Gomk community of Vayots Dzor province is although remote, but not neglected community, as it enjoys the support of local and international organizations. Here is the dream of every resident in the community to see life so prosperous that people do not emigrate much, community is prosperous with residents. Nune Avagyan is a Gomk council member since 2012 and is convinced that these dreams are not far from becoming reality.
“Today we have jobs, we are able to various crops grow, founded greenhouses, dryers and want to develop greenhouse crops and turn our village into the little Switzerland,” says Nune Avagyan, who is again running in the municipal elections, this time Zaritap community, the composition of which will enter the Gomke. Nune hopes that their village will benefit as a result of enlargement.
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