Residents of Nubarashen: “We have always applied, but no one has been involved in solving the problem”

Residents living in the adjacent Nubarashen penitentiary have been living for 4 years under storm conditions. According to the residents, several times they have appealed to the Municipality of Yerevan, the head of Erebuni administrative district of Yerevan, but no steps have been taken.


According to residents, they handed sewage-filled-bottle to the head of Yerkir Tsirani faction Zaruhi Postanjyan to pass it to Mayor Taron Margaryan.


Besides the stench, residents worry about mosquitoes trying different ways to fight them, but nothing helps.


Speaking to Aravot, Anna Gevorgyan, another resident of the same area, in her turn mentioned that officials are coming, promising to solve the problem and forget about the promise, while wastewater not only spreads stench but also flows into cultivated lands. Residents ask the relevant authorities to repair the sewer and finally give them  opportunity to breathe.


As residents reported, today’s guests were only journalists; no work was done by anyone.


P.S. After the action and scandal of “Yerkir Tsirani”, Nubarashen penitentiary has begun renovating the sewer line. Gor Ghlechyan, the head of the Public Relations Department of the Penitentiary Department, told journalists today. “We have had an agreement with” Veolia Jur” for a long time and now we have already acquired the appropriate equipment,” said Ghlechyan, adding that the works will start and the situation will be regulated. According to G. Ghlechyan, the Erebuni and Nubarashen administrative districts will also be involved in reconstruction of sewerage lines.


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