Nora Arustamyan: “I understand young people’s problems very well”

Nora Arustamian is a  representative of the young generation represented in the proportional list of “Tsarukyan” Alliance.  Nora Arustamian/ assistant to the leader of the “Tsarukyan” alliance, Leader of “Prosperous Armenia” party Gagik Tsarukyan/  is nominated by rating system in Aragatsotn. She says it could not be otherwise, since she was born in Ashtarak and has very good understanding of both the characteristics of the region and the region’s problems. The young candidate told WomenNet that she is focused on presenting their priority actions and programs to voters. And while the local press writes about this or that incident, Nora says they quietly work and are not the focus of any high-profile cases.


  • What are the main problems that you separate during meetings with voters?

I myself am aware of the problems of young people and in meetings I stress that I will do everything in order to contribute to solving the problems of youth employment, education. The main focus of the Alliance Program is the provision that relates to the support of high-achieving students. We are well aware that helping youth, supporting and creating opportunities for them we will be able to prevent the emigration of young people in our country, which today, unfortunately, is a serious problem.


  • How do you assess your team’s and your chances?


I rate the chances of an alliance to be very high, let’s do not forget who is our leader and what the recognition and reputation he has among the public. As for my reputation, it will become visible after April 2d, let voters assess me.


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