Innovative women whose worth telling your girl 


Future great physicist Richard Feynman’s little sister Joan was  once told  by her grandmother  that women cannot deal with science, because “their brains are not able to overcome it.” Joanna, who had been helping her brother with his first science experiments and there was  crying, even the example of Marie Curie could not console her because Curie, twice Nobel Laureate” was just a mythical figure” to her.


On the occasion of his sister’s   14th  anniversary  Richard Feynmane presented her a book  on astronomy, on  407th  page of which Joan found the book quotes of Cecilia Peyni, who, without a doubt, was a women who “overcame” the science.  With the famous story  began Joan Feynman’s career as a geophysicist and astrophysicist who  worked for more than 40 years in American universities and NASA.


Especially for those who agree with Joan’s grandmother it is necessary to get acquainted with stories of such  the female astronomers, physicists, biologists and mathematicians as Sesilia Peyn-Gaposhkina, Kendis Pert, Karolina Hershel, Mery Somervile, Natalia Sarsadskikh –Larisa Popugayeva who are worthy to be not  less popular than Sofya Kovalevskaya and “fabulous” Marie Curie.


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