Natalia Lapauri. “We all want our children to live in a good and comfortable environment”

Our interlocutor is an acting member of the city council, mayoral candidate for the upcoming elections, the executive director of the Union of Communities of Armenia, the secretary of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe – Natalya Lapauri. She says that the decision to re-run is based on the unfinished projects, and will continue to work for their implementation.


– During the previous elections an interview with you said : “We must make sure that we will not feel shame in front of our voters  four years later, This is the most important problem”. What do you think of this in terms of 4 years?


Now my responsibility is doubled, but I manage not feel shame because within the powers and possibilities that the municipality has, in fact, in all the areas we have not recorded a step back and even stepped forward. I do not say that we have reached the peak, but there is at least some progress in all areas and we have created the basis for continuing them. In other words, there is nothing that I could do, but have not done.  


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 The most important thing, I think, is the quality…


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