Naira Martirosyan: “I understood that with my experience I can be helpful for my nation”

Naira Martirosyan, nominated by Communist party rating list at 10 electoral point of Kotayq region is sure that voters will give their voted to her as she has worked in Hrazdan for 16 years.


Former director of “Hrazdan Cement” factory thinks that all political forces should be represented in NA the more forces, the better. “Why MPs of those forced do not come to the NA if they are so much concerned of their country, why do not they participate in sessions? Working at the NA is the same as working at another place. I cannot imagine not going to my workplace every day. If they do not come it becomes so interesting why they have been elected?” She thinks t5hat Communist party should win and occupy its place in the NA and in development of our processes.


Why did she decided to enter politics she answers that for a long time she has been working in the field of industry and now she has understood that in the second phase of her life she should be in politics as she has a lot to say and to do.


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