Naira Zohrabyan: “For unemployed mothers it is not their choice not to work”
Last week during the discussion of state budget draft -2016 the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Artem Asatryan, speaking about the initiative of the Government to provide maternity benefits to unemployed mothers, announced that thus the state fully regulates the issue of future mothers… Today it turned out that not all members of the National Assembly agree with that assessment…
It is not their decision not to work, there is no job. Let’s not forget in what country we live, where unemployment rate has passed permissible limits, where poverty is 36 according to the official data, and it is not so that there is a wide selection of jobs and women are lazy and do not want to work. This was announced by Naira Zohrabyan/ Leader of PAP faction/ at the extraordinary session of NA during the discussion on making changes and amendments to Law «State benefits».
According to Naira Zohrabyan, working mothers are protected, but unemployed mothers should also be protected. And above all, we need to provide jobs for them all, and only then see how many of them will refuse to work.
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